Gardening Gone Wild… “Picture This” Photo Contest entry: February 2010: “Winter Light”

Frosted-over Artemisia ‘Powis Castle’ mound, getting hit with early morning sun beams.
The plant recovered completely from this nipping a day or so later.
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February 9, 2010, 9:44 pm
February 10, 2010, 1:07 am
I’m trying the Limelight in a stock tank planter, ESP. I planted it late in the season so didn’t notice any heat-related disappearing tricks, but yes, it is popping up here and there in the tank now. Since it is contained, I will wait and see what another season holds. But I’d be reluctant to set this one loose in the garden…
I think you are right Pam. I will take a picture and post it in my next entry so you can see how it has “spread”. I WILL be keeping a close eye on this one this coming spring, it seems there is always something that is just going bananas, last year it was my mother of millions, but the freeze soon took care of her!
February 10, 2010, 7:35 pm
Good luck with your entry. I am planning on waiting until we get the winter precipitation tonight!
February 10, 2010, 7:38 pm
Should have added. I love invasive plants in my garden so if you are giving away babies count me in! Alas, I will not be taking any more of your agave collection. I lost all of them. I think I am too cold out here.
They were in the greenhouse.
February 12, 2010, 8:37 am
A wonderful shot – the light is so dreamy…
I had horsetail get out of a container and spread all around the back yard. It was just as tricky as bermuda grass in terms of going to ground and then sprouting back up in a surprise location, but easier to get most of it out once sprouted. Only took me the better part of a decade….. : )
That said, good luck with your limelight. If the deer like it perhaps I’ll get some. No reason not to let their trimming back proclivities work with a garden plan rather than against it!
February 13, 2010, 3:30 pm
Lovely picture & good luck! I cut back my artemesia a few weeks ago and it’s looking great already. It’s hard for me to find silvery plants that thrive in my soil and light, so I treasure this one. Interesting on the Limelight; I’ll check it out.
February 15, 2010, 2:19 pm
Anything called ‘wormwood’ is good with me!
Unfortunately, try as I might, Artemisia just doesn’t get gorgeous in my garden – too shady. An I LOVE that silver! Sigh.
I’ll just love it vicariously via The Patch!
Wormy G.!
February 21, 2010, 9:27 pm
Well the picture is good, but even more fun is reading your blog again. Lots to enjoy. Cheers! — jw
Mine looks about the same Philip. I need to get you a start of my other artemisia, Snow Cloud. It is big and bushy and grows up a lot more. I know you like big and bushy. It is as close to white as any plant I know.